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Can I still fundraise for Aspire if I don’t take a charity place?Absolutely! All the money you raise goes to support the work Aspire does helping people with spinal cord injuries in the UK, so anything you raise is hugely appreciated.
How do I know when I have finished my swim?Participants will need to count their laps. Each hour you will be required to swim: 1km / hour - 29 laps of Hampton's 36m pool (totalling just over 1km - 1,044m) 1mile / hour - 45 laps of Hampton's 36m pool (totalling 1,620m) 1km / hour - 21 laps of Hillingdon's 50m pool (totalling 1,050km) 1mile / hour - 33 laps of Hillingdon's 50m pool (totalling 1,650m) Your team mate or spectator can also assist with lap counting, if required. You will exit the water at the shallow end and enter at the deep end to help us regulate safe entry and exit.
Can I choose my start time?All start times will be allocated. Your start times are either on the hour or on the half hour, to help spread the participants evenly over the hour. However, if we have placed you in a different start time to your friend, please let us know and we can see if we can change one of you (subject to availability).
I have a discount code, but did not use it when entering. Can I get refunded some of the entry fee?Discount codes are only valid for your entry at time of registration and cannot be used retrospectively.
Can I wear a wetsuit?Wetsuits are permitted at Hillingdon, however they are not permitted at Hampton Pool. Pool temperature in Hillingdon is likely to be between 18-22oC and at Hampton the Pool is heated to 28oC year-round. We do encourage you to bring plenty of towels and warm, dry clothes for between your swims.
Can under 18's spectate?Yes, of course, but due to the lateness of the hour, we do request that any under 18 spectating at the event has a responsible adult with them at all times (not in the water). Under 18's cannot register for a Spectator place themselves, but spectator passes can be simply added to any registration - either at time of entry of by logging back in at a later date. Spectator wristbands are collected at the event registration marquee on arrival at the event
What distances challenges are available?Swim the Night Hillingdon includes a 1km per hour (12km and 24km) and a 1 mile per hour (12 mile or 24 mile) challenge. Swim the Night Hampton includes a 1km per hour (12km) and a 1 mile per hour (12 mile) challenge.
Is there an age limit?In order to register online, participants must be 18 years of age. We may accept younger entrants, however we ask that you speak to us first so that we can assess whether the event is suitable. 18 and under must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times. Please email or call Alice on +44 7825 301443.
Can I transfer my place?Yes. You can transfer your place to another Swim the Night challenge distance or to someone else. Transfers to another challenge distance: You can transfer to another challenge distance ONLY if there is space in that category. Transfers must be completed two weeks prior to the challenge. There is a transfer fee of £20. Any uplift in fees will need to be paid, e.g. when transferring to a longer distance or team challenge. No refund is given for any down-shift of distance. Transfers to another person: You can transfer your place to someone else. All transfers must be completed two weeks before the challenge. If you are transferring from a team place, you will need to contact us on to assist you. There is a transfer fee of £15. Transfers to another Swim the Night event: These can only be done in the same calendar year. Transfers from or to Hillingdon must be completed before 31 May 2025. To action your transfer, please log into your Active account and follow the steps from there. To get assistance with logging back in, please see the relevant FAQ on this matter.
What happens if I register for a charity place?If you register for a charity place, you’ll be able to sign up for half price, in return for pledging to raise a minimum of £350 (12 hours challenges) or £450 (24 hour challenges). All the funds raised support Aspire and people paralysed by Spinal Cord Injury in the UK, so please aim high!
What strokes can I use?Only front crawl/freestyle and breaststroke are permitted. Backstroke and butterfly are not permitted as they may be a risk to others in the lane.
Are spectators allowed?Yes, of course. We encourage all participants to have at least one other support person available for the full event. This could be another participant, or it could be a spectator who is attending to support your swim. In addition to your support person, other spectators are very welcome to attend and can do so for free. We ask that they are registered via your Active login beforehand however. Spectators and helpers should bring their own food and drink. Registered spectators are given a wristband, which must be worn at all times. If you have booked an event tent.camping pitch, your registered spectators can use your tent.
I have a medical condition, can I still enter?If you are in any doubt you should seek medical advice from your doctor and ensure you are in good physical and mental health to complete the event.
How many swimmers will there be in a lane?At Hillingdon (50m), there will be max 12 swimmers in a lane at one time, and at Hampton (36m) max 10 swimmers. Swim start times will be either on the hour or the half hour (allocated at registration). For lanes with swimmers likely to take more than 30 minutes to complete their swim distance, the number of swimmers allocated to these lanes will be adjusted accordingly to ensure the maximum number of swimmers per lane doesn't exceed 12 (Hillingdon) and 10 (Hampton).
My preferred distance / category is SOLD OUT - is there a waiting list?There is NO a waiting list. If the category you are looking for is SOLD OUT, we recommend that you do the following: Swim for charity - our wonderful charity partner, Aspire Change your distance, where there may be capacity Register your interest, as if more places are generated later in the campaign, we'll be fair to everyone and let you all know of the new availability. It will then be first come, first served. Keep checking the entry page, as if someone cancels their place or transfers, then this may free up some space in the distance, which will be available for anyone to enter. Please note that participants manage their own places and they transfer or cancel themselves, so we as organisers do not necessarily know when places come available We're sorry that we cannot accommodate all interest, but pool swimming is significantly limited by capacity, moreso than most other sports.
Will you be hosting any other Swim the Night events?Our 2025 events are at Hillingdon Lido on 7-8 June 2025 and Hampton Open Air Pool on 4-5 October 2025. Planning ahead for 2026? Ensure you sign up to our newsletter and follow our socials @swimthenight to find out more.
I have entered, but can I log back in and hire a tent?Yes - use your Active login to log back in, visit Purchase merchandise and then you'll be able to add more items to your entry. All merchandise/additional purchases need to be confirmed two weeks prior to the event and all are subject to availability.
There are 2 start times - can I request a different start time?The start times are either starting on the hour, or on the half hour. Start times will be communicated to all participants within 1 week of the event. Participants are equally split between the two start times and any changes will be subject to availability.
What does the charity partner Aspire do?Every two hours someone is paralysed by a Spinal Cord Injury, and there is no cure. Aspire offers practical services to support people in living independent lives, with accessible housing across the UK, welfare benefits and money matters advice, assistive technology and independent living support. By raising funds for Aspire you’ll help support people from injury to independence. For more information or fundraising support, please contact
Is food included?As part of your entry, you will get a Midnight BBQ and our Breakfast of Champions, and if you are completing the 24 hour event, a list lunch will also be provided. More detail on what is available will be shared soon. It is recommended that you bring your own snacks, energy gels, drinks etc to ensure you are well fuelled. Spectators/Helpers have the ability to buy the lunch, Midnight meal or Breakfast of Champions as part of their entry.
When can I enter?Registration opens 11am Thursday 28 November 2024 for 2025 events. Charity places opens a week earlier on Thursday 21 November 2024.
Are there any prizes?Swim the Night is a challenge rather than a race. Participants will be awarded a medal on completion of their challenge. The event is not timed and there is no event placings or prizes.
How do I enter my team mate?If you have purchased a team place (teams of 2), your team mate needs to enter themselves (you cannot enter for them). You will already have purchased the place, so there is nothing for your team mate to pay, unless they decide they want to buy a t shirt, swim cap, camping or other options. First give your Team Name and Team Password to the person who you want to join your team. This will enable them to find and then enter the event as part of your team. To enter they will need to goo to this link to enter and then select 'Swim the Night - Prepaid Team Member', with your team name and password to hand. After completing the questions, once submitted they will then be the second person in your team.
What happens if I am not able to complete the distance?The Swim the Night team and supporters will do their best to encourage everyone to complete the challenge. If you are not able to continue due to a medical reason, we have a warming room, where our medics will be able to assist you. Medals are only awarded to those completing the full distance.
Is the event safe?Swim the Night involves swimming through the night (and day, if you are completing our 24 hour challenge) with multiple entries and exits from the water. Lifeguards are on duty throughout the event. Whilst the utmost care is placed upon the safety of all swimmers, officials, supporters, bystanders and helpers, entrants undertake the event at their own risk. Swimming carries an inherent level of risk that whilst reduced by the safe planning of the event can not be entirely mitigated due to the nature of the challenge. The event organisers have the authority to cancel, postpone or change the event to ensure the safety of swimmers and all involved. Individuals who, in the opinion of the event directors or safety marshals, are either at risk or putting others at risk during the event will be removed from the event. By entering the event you confirm that you can swim confidently in a lane environment and agree to abide by the guidelines imposed by the event organisers.
What happens to our clothing/equipment?There are padlock and £1 coin lockers available, and we recommend these are used. If you have booked an event tent, then you can leave clothing/equipment in your tent while you are swimming. The tents are not monitored, but only event staff, lifeguards and registered participants and spectators of the event are allowed in the venue.
As a team, can we both swim at the same time?No. The challenge is to swim 1km or 1 mile every hour. Teams of 2 people can split up their swims in any way they wish (i.e. you can alternate hours, or take sections of the night each), but only one member of the team can swim at any one time or in any one hour.
Can I wear fins, hand paddles or pull buoys?Unfortunately not. No swimming aids are permitted. We understand that many people like to swim with them, but for the safety of others in the pool, we cannot not allow any swim aids for this event.
How are different swim speeds accounted for?Each of the lanes will be designated for a different speed of swimmer. This will help place swimmers in a lane of similar swim speeds, limiting the amount of overtaking needed to be done and helping to improve the event experience for all.
If I can't make it, can I get a refund or defer?You are not able to defer or get a refund, but we do have a flexible policy to help you, should you need it. Firstly, when you enter you may be automatically offered Active Insurance (from the registration platform). This is an extra payment, but will mean that you may be able to get the majority of your entry fee (not Active transaction fee) back. Please see their terms and conditions. Any questions about this insurance (if offered) needs to be directed to If you did not buy Active Insurance (or if it was not offered), you can transfer your place to someone else. This can all be done via your Active account. Transfers must be completed two weeks before the event. There is a transfer fee of £20 for all transfers. If there are more than one Swim the Night event in a calendar year, then you may transfer your place to another Swim the Night event. All transfers are subject to availability.
Can I swim in the same lane as a friend?Lane allocation is decided by the event organisers on the basis of swim speed and distance. We manage the lane allocation on the basis of speed to ensure a good event experience for all. After all, no-one wants to constantly overtake or be overtaken!
Can I sleep during the night?If you have entered as a team, then you may have some time for some sleep, especially if you arrange your swim shifts in hour blocks (e.g. 9pm-12am one team member, 1am-4am another team member etc). The event tent will be ideal for team members to get a rest in between their swims. If you are taking part as an individual, you are less likely to have a chance for sleep. If you are swimming 1km in 25 mins, then you will only have 35 mins remaining before your next swim starts, and you'll need to dry off, grab a bite to eat and prepare for your next swim. However, having a tent is very useful and if you're prepared, you may be able to get some short sleeps in between each swim.
How do I log on to my Active account?To logon you'll need your email and password you set for your Active registration. Please use this guide. To login to your Active account, please click here
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